Saturday, June 9, 2012

Happiness is in the Little Things

In taking long rides in the Jeep.

In the color blue.

Cold apple beer.

Making something new out of something old.

My wedding ring.

Good books.

And most of all, happiness is in roses picked by the side of the road.


  1. I love your ring! :) what book are you reading?

    1. It's called A Great & Terrible Beauty. Really good!

  2. I heart this post. Love Apple Beer, beautiful rings, blue eyes on brunettes, good books, jeep rides I suspect (although I'm not familiar with them) and I'm SOO jealous of those roses! I've been drying flowers to frame for my kitchen and I've been searching everywhere for wild roses! I've even thought about picking a few from someone's yard. (don't worry, I've repented for that thought already) but I guess I just need to live in Cedar City.
