Friday, May 4, 2012

Christopher James Diepeveen

He is quite possibly the coolest guy I know.

And today, he officially graduated.

But he didn't just graduate.

He also received an award for being the Outstanding Student in German for 2012, attained Magna Cum Laude honors, and {true story} will actually be receiving TWO degrees: one in psychology, and one in German. 

Pretty smart guy, huh?

And quite handsome, if I do say so myself.

His award ceremony was yesterday evening, and my mom, his mom, and his stepdad drove clear down to support him!

We sure do love him.

Even if he is a goof. {which nicely complements my cheesy side.}

That man is going places. {not a doubt in my heart.}

I'm so glad I get to go with him.

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