Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Did You Know That....

Chris & I had our 6-month anniversary last month?? I can hardly believe its already been half a year...and that we're still happily married after SUCH a long time. ;P My mom is super-awesome at remembering our month-to-month anniversaries and for this one, she bought us some champagne glasses and sparkling cider...mmmmm. 

I graduated from college! After four (and a half) years, I have completed my Bachelor of Arts degree! Chris took me to Ninja to celebrate with sushi. Try the Las Vegas roll, its a good one!

I am Dutch! Haha okay so only really by marriage, but I realized this month that its a legacy I know practically nothing about, but its something I would like my kids to know about. According to tradition, on December 6th you leave your shoes out with your Christmas list, and St. Nicholas takes the list and fills the shoes with candy. Although we forgot to leave our shoes out, St. Nicholas did manage to send us some Dutch goodies by way of Chris's dad. ;) I think we will definitely keep this tradition in our family...after all, it means more Dutch chocolate for me (and, I suppose, Chris) (and also eventually kids)! 

                                                                    ........Now You Know!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

My Photography Experiment with Color

 These were all part of my final project...

Monday, December 6, 2010

Two Holidays--One Blog.

Well aren't the holidays just awesome (And I mean they really are).

Chris & I had a rockin' night at the Fall Ball here at SUU--we got to dress up and get dinner for free! The dance was a lot of fun--and who knew I married a man with such...unique...moves? ;)

The Sunday before Thanksgiving we threw our annual Pre-Thanksgiving party. We deep-fried a TWENTY-THREE POUND turkey! Phew. We also managed to squeeze 22 people into our kitchen! It turned out to be oodles of fun and I was so grateful for all of the wonderful friends who came to spend time with us!

Here are all the pies/desserts we good...
I had to wait a couple hours after dinner was over before I even had room for any! So much food!

And just this past Sunday we decided to have a 'hot chocolate party' and hand around some gifts we'd bought for our friends. We had a pretty good time watching the expressions on their faces as they opened their gifts. Russell got a baby launcher...Matt got an 'Awesome' pin....Mario got fry sauce...haha they were all pretty random! After that we watched How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Definitely one of my top Christmas movies! 

Happy Holidays y'all. :)